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No. 00-00619
§ § § § § § § § § § §
G. David WestfaU. Christina Westfall, and§ Stefani Podvin, §
§ §
DefendantlCounteJ:'- Plaintiff
The above-captioned cause came on for trial to ajury on April 8,2002. At the conclusion of
the evidence, the Court submitted questions of fact in the case to the jury.
In addition to the matters tried to the jury the Court took under consideration the Motion
filed by David Westfall, the Plaiutiff (the "Plaintiff'), and Christina Westfall, and Stefani Podvin·
(Christina Westfall and Stefani Podvin collectively referred to herein as the "Counter-Defendants)
concerning the filing of a frivolous lawsuit and Rule 13 Sanctions. The combined issues of the
counter~claim on frivolous lawsuit and the Rule 13 Motion were. tried toget.her to the Court on July
30. 2002. At the proceedings on July 30, 2002, the Plaintiff appeared by counsel, the COU11ter-
Defendants appeared in person and were also represented by their attorney. At the proceedings on
July 30, 2002, Udo Birnbaum (the "Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff'), the Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff:
appea,red pro se.
After considermg the pteadings, the evidence presented at thG trial to the jury as well as f.t~e
evidence presented at the summary judgment hearings and the sanctions hearing before the Court,
FindiIlgs of Fact and Conclusions of Law PAGE 1 of7
westfal!\udc\jIJl!gment\firldings of fJ.Cts2
in re3ponse to a r~q\,\~st from the DefendantlCoilllter-Plaintiff, the Court makes its findings of fact
and cQnclusions oflaw ~ fo11o\"l5:
Findings of Fact
1. | The .BefendantiCountef~Plaiutifr5 claims concerning Flea ci'VilCODspiracy claims against |
Cb...ristioa Westfall and Stefani Podvin (the wife and daughter of the Defendant/Counter-Plaintiffs
fonn~r attorney, David Westftd!) w~r~ groundless and totally unsupported by any credible
~vidcnce '\.vhatscever.
2. | The Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff':; clai..-ns concerning R1CO cjvH conspiracy claims |
against Christina Westfall and Stefani Podvin were without merit and brought for the purpose of
hf.rassment, delay; and tQ seek advantage in a collateral matter by attempting to cause the original
Plaintiff, David Westfal! to drop his claim for lm-r~imb~ed legal services provided to the
The Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff was afforded numerous opportunities to marshal his
gvidenc:e aA4 present any facts to support his alle~ations concerning RICO civil conspiracy claims
against the wife and daughter of the Defen@pt/Counter-Plaintiff's attorney, David Westfall. The
DefendantiCoilllter-Plaintiff wholly failed to provide any such credible evidence at either the
summary judgment phase of the lawsuit or at the hearing on the motion for san<:tlous,
4. | The attempt to provide testimony by the Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff ci.>nceming RICO |
civil cor..spiracy claims were his O"Ml opi.nions an4 tQta1ly UJlcorroborated by any other evidence.
5. | The Derendant/Counter-Plaintiff never established that he had suffered any economic |
damages as a result of an alleged conspir~y. The Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff was sued by his
fonner counsel to collect money for legal work which had been perfonned for the
Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff for wpjf;h th~ Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff had not paid his attorney in
Findings of Fad and Conclusions of Law PAGE 2 of7
full The jury found that the work had been performed by the attorney, the amount charged to the client was reasonable, and that there was an amount owed by the DefendantiCOlUlter-Plaintiff to the
Plaintiff. The Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff's claims concerning RICO civil c.onspiracy claims had
no bearing on whether or not the Defendant/Counter-Plaintiffreceived the legal services and owed
the balance of the outstanding attorney's fees.
6. | The filing of the Defendant/Counter-Plaintiffs claims concerning RICO civil conspiracy |
v.ras a blatant and obvious attempt to influence the outcome of the Plaintiffs legitimate lawsuit
against the Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff and to cause harassment to the Plaintiff and his family
7. | The behavior of the Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff in filing claims concerning RICO civil |
conspiracy in this lawsuit have been totally without substantiation on any cause of action pled.
8. | The conduct of the Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff giving rise to the award of punitive |
damages was engaged in willf\tlly and maliciously by the Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff with the
intent to harm the Plaintiff and the Counter-Defendants.
9. | The amount of actual damages, attorney's fees, suffered by the Counter-Defendant was |
proven to be reasonable and necessary by a preponderance of the evidence and not challenged by
the DefendantJCounter-Plaintiff at the hearing on sanctions. The amount of actual damages
awarded was in an amount that was proven at the hearing.
10. | The amount of damages for inconvenience awarded by the court was proven at the hearing |
by a preponderance of the evidence and not challenged by the Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff at the
hearing on sanctions. The court awarded damages for inconvenience in an amount the Court found
to be reasonable and necessary, supported by eviden.ce, and appropriate considering the
"indings of F.2lct and Conclusions of Law PAGE 3 of7
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I H'''''I.-. | tJ (I it) |
Jl. | The amount of punitive damages awarded by the Court were found to be supported by the |
evidence and necessary under the circumstances to attempt to prevent similar future action on the
part of the Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff.
12. | The sanctions award is directly related to the harm done. |
13. | The sanctions award is not excessive in relation to the hann done and the net worth of the |
14. | The sanctions award is an appropriate amount in order to gain the relief which the Court |
seeks, which is to stop the Defendant/Cmmter-Plaintiff and others similarly situated from filing
frivolous lawsuits.
15. | The amount of the punitive damage award is an amount narrowly tailored to the amount of |
hann caused by the offensive conduct to be punished.
16. | The Counter-Defendants suffered both economic and emotional damages as a result of the |
Defendant/Counter-Plaintiffs lawsuit and specifically the frivolous nature of the lawsuit caused
damages which included expenses (in addition to taxable coW1 costs), attorney's fees, harassment,
inconvenience, intimidation, and threats.
17. | The Counter-Defendants established a prima facie case that this lawsuit was filed by the |
Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff without merit and for the purpose of harassment. The prima facie case
was made by the testimony and documents introduced as evidence by the Counter-Defendants at the
summary judgment proceedings as well as at the hearing on sanctions on July 30, 2002.
18. | After the Counter-Defendants established their prima facie case, the DefendantiCounter- |
Plaintiff failed wholly to provide any credible evidence to support the legal theories of the
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Conclusions of Law
1. | The Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff wholly failed to provide any credible evidence to |
substantiate any of his claims concerning a RlCO civil conspiracy claim.
2. | An essential element of each of Defendant/Counter-Plaintiffs claim was damages. |
3. | The Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff failed to prove any damage as a direct result of any action |
or inaction caused by the Plaintiff or the Counter-Defendants.
4. | All of Defendant/C01111ter-Plaintiffs claims were as a matter of law unproved and untenable |
on the evidence presented to the Court.
5. | Based upon the facts presented to support DefendantlCO\U1ter-Plaintiffs claim concerning |
RICO civil conspiracy charges, the Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff's clairos concerning RICO civil
conspiracy were completely untenable.
6. | The Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff's claims concerning RICO civil conspiracy charges were |
not based upon the law, were not a good faith extension of existing law, and were brought and
continued to be urged for the pwpose of harassment.
7. | The court concludes as a matter of law that Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff's claims |
concerning RICO civil conspiracy were brought for the purpose of harassment.
8. | The Defendant/Counter-Plaintiffs behavior in bringing and prosecuting this frivolous |
lawsuit was a violation of one or more of the follo\Ving: §9.000 et seq- Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code,
§lO.OOO et seq. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code, and/or Rule 13, T.RC.P.
9. | The Court has the power to award both actual and punitive damages against the |
Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff for the filing and prosecution of a frivolous lawsuit. 'This authority
stems from one or more of the following: §9.000 et seq. Civ_ Prac. & Rem. Code, §lO.OOO et seq.
Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code, Rule 13, T.R.C.P., and/or the common law of Texas.
Findings of Fad and Condusions of Law PAGE 5 of7
westfalJludo\judgrnent\6ndings offacts2
~ , L-l.-'·1,J..11'-...4
rH\:It:. rJ':J/lrJ
10. | The behavior and attitude of the Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff in filing and prosecuting this |
.' | claim against the Counter-Defendants calls out for the award of both actual and punitive damages to |
be assessed against the DefendantJCoWlter-Plaintiff.
11. | The Counter-Defendants were successful in presenting a prima facie case to the CoUrt on |
the issue of sanctions. After the prima facie case 'was made, the burden of proof shifted to the
DefendantJCounter-Plaintiff and the Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff failed in its effort to prove good
faith in the filing of the RICO civil conspiracy claims.
12. | The appropriate award for actual damages as a result of the filing and full prosecution of |
this frivolous lawsuit is an award of $50,085.00 in attorney's fees. The Court makes this award
Wlder power granted to the Court by §9.0oo et seq. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code, §10.000 et seq. Civ.
Prac. & Rem. Code, Rule 13, T.R.C.P., and/or the common law of Texas.
13. | The appropriate sanction for the inconvenience suffered by the Counter-Defendants for the |
- . ,.,~'
filing and full prosecution of this frivolous lawsuit is an award of $1,000.00 to Christina Westfall
and $1,800.00 to Stefani Podvin, to be paid by the Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff to the Counter-
14. | The appropriate punitive sanction for the filing and full prosecution of this frivolous lawsuit |
is an award of $5,000.00 to Christina Westfall and an award of $5,000.00 to Stefani Podvin, to be
paid by the Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff to the Counter-Defendants.
15. | 'The award of punitive damages is directly related to the hann done. |
16. | The award of punitive damages is not excessive, |
17. | The award of punitive damages is an appropriate amount to seek to gain the relief sought |
which is to stop this Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff, and others like him, from filing similar frivolous
lawsuits .
Findings of Fatt and Conclusions of Law PAGE 6 of?
westfallludo\judgment\findings of fllC~2
•.•••. | r L-C:.Ivl,1I'f\) |
18. | The amount of the punitive damage award is narrowly tailored to the hann done. |
19. | Authority for the punitive damage award is derived from §10.000 et seq. Civ. Prac. & Rem. |
Code, Rule 13, T.R.C.P., and/or the common law of Texas.
Any finding of fact herein which is later detennined to be a conclusion of law, is to be
deemed a conclusion of law regardless of its designation in this document as a finding of fact. Any
conclusion of law herein which is later determined to be a ftnding of fact, is to be deemed a finding
of fact regardless of its designation in this document as a conclusion oflaw.
SIGNED THIS .3 0 day of September, 2003.
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