September 28, 1995
Natural Resource Conservation Commission
Rt. 14 Box 254
Tyler, Texas 75707
Ladies and/or Gentlemen:
I request the assistance of this agency regarding water and erosion problems I am experiencing because of recent extensive upstream drainage and terrain modifications.
Since 1983 I have had a soil conservation plan in place for all of my farm and a wildlife management plan for the area adjacent to Steve's Creek, one of three live creeks that join on the upstream end of my property.
The stability of the entire area has been disturbed by the bulldozing operations of the adjacent landowner, Mr. William B. Jones. The modification and drainage of his wetlands is destroying my wetlands.
I request your assistance with the water and erosion problems I am experiencing. Feel free to confer with the USDA Stabilization and Conservation Service, on Hwy. 19N, Canton, Texas.
Your prompt attention would be appreciated.
Udo Birnbaum
Udo Birnbaum
Rt. 1 Box 295
Eustace,Texas 75124
(903) 479-3929