Oh thank you, Google.com search engine
I am trying to make this as short as possible, but ... ...
Train station
larger picture
Recently scanning through William Shirer's
Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, I came across the name of a poet
who had come to settle in our little German Village about the time we arrived in
1938, to find out that he had been one of the chief praisers and adorers of
Hitler as "the one sent to us by God", etc. I remember seeing him but had
never known this.
So via Google.com I looked up his name, Will Vesper, to find out that he had indeed written a whole bunch of books, most of which were still available for sale as "out of print" books (in German) on the internet.
Then I also noticed a book by a Bernward Vesper, entitled "Die Reise" ("The Journey"), about his experience of growing up in our little village under his unrepenting Nazi father Will Vesper, who had come back at the end of the war in 1945, to raise his little then six year old boy. I remember him also.
Well, Bernward ultimately rebelled against his father and everything else, got involved in the "red army faction" terrorists in Berlin in the sixties, the hippies, the protests against the atom bomb and the Vietnam war, got on drugs, and ultimately took his own life in a drug treatment center at about the age of thirty three in 1971.
It took about a month for me to get a hold of his book. It describes everything in our little village, the school, the teacher we had, life in the village, etc. And on the cover of the book was a picture of the simple train station in Triangel, Germany, the exact little station from which I left as a thirteen year old to come to the United States in 1950. In the direction we went, except the station was still a little simpler at the time we left.
Small world.