"294th District Judge Endorsed by Good-Old-Boy
Vote Tommy Wallace OUT. Break the cycle of appointments.
This time we have a choice!
His ads claim "In Van Zandt County's highest court, fairness and justice are certainties because your judge is Tommy W. Wallace."
NOT TRUE. Justice is NOT a certainty in our 294th District Court because Tommy Wallace is our judge!
As those of us who have become victims know, our highest court is a
"good-old-boy network" who "do as they want to", regardless of the law. I know
from personal experience as one of their victims. See my web site for a real
horror story:
Then there is the glowing endorsement ad for the Country Club fundraiser to install "our own" judge into office one more time, despite his failing health. "Truth, Justice, Fairness. T. Wallace is a judge you can trust." (Sept. 22 Van Zandt News, page 8A)
This brings us to what is known as the "appointive-elective" system that is perpetually being used to keep us voters from having a choice for judge. For those who do not know, the "system" works like this:
After having been once more elected, there is a sudden "retirement" of the judge, and a new appointment is miraculously ready to fill the unexpired term. By the time the next election rolls around, the pecking order is in place, and no opposing candidate appears. That is how Wallace got into our Courthouse in the first place, when he was appointed in 1988, his second appointment into office.
"Retire" him immediately at the polls! For the first time in recent history we have a choice! Elect TERESA DRUM whom we can expect to abide by the law of the land.
Break the cycle of injustice
or you could be next in his courtroom!
Pol. adv. by Udo Birnbaum, 540 Van Zandt CR 2916, Eustace, TX 75124